Read this year’s report HERE
Do you like Science & Art? Nature & Technology ?
Do you like to experiment ?
Would you like to try yourself out in different fields of science and art, let your creativity loose, experiment with new technologies and try something new during this summer?
If the answer is YES, you are at the right place 🙂
No matter if you are professional artist, scientist, student, professor or absolute amateur in these areas, if you are over 17 y.o.,
you can join us on this adventure and experience the Science Underground Academy – unconventional summer school of postmodern science and new media art.
The academy offers unconventional integrative workshop program – science on a beach, art in the lab, exploration of the amazing nature and biodiversity of Dubrovnik and surrounding islands, romantic astrophotography night under the stars, DIWO (Do It With Others) learning and networking with other creatives in stimulating environment.
For all details, check the details on this web page.
P.S. for all younger interested for the program, this year we are offering some workshops for you, after the academy for adults.
For all news, follow us on Facebook & Instagram